Welcome to the Methodist Library blog

...highlighting news and other interesting tidbits from Drew University's Methodist Center. The Center is a cooperative endeavor between the Drew University Library and the archives of the United Methodist Church (for more on the UMC's archives and the activities of the General Commission on Archives and History, see the General Commission website.)
I hope to post here about once a week with happenings (exhibits, receptions, new services for our users, new books and manuscripts acquired, and the occasional booksale); intriguing or little-known facts from Methodist history; or glimpses behind-the-scenes at the Center (who are we? what do we do all day? and why can't you check out books from here, anyway?).
General thoughts and comments are always welcome. If you have a specific reference question, send it to me via email for the quickest response...unless you want to post it here and let your fellow commenters have at it....
Nice job, Jen. But you're using the same template I'm using on my own blog, and that makes me feel really strange.
Browsed over via the link in your signature in a fit of procrastination. Very nice! :-)
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